BEGIN WITH THE HEART Encompassing An Astonishing Secret
If you believe that we are made in the image of God and that this needs to inform how we think about God and Creation – then you may find this website of interest.
It combines the reflections and resource material from djoleary.com and the online video course based on the book “An Astonishing Secret”.
This website offers thoughts and reflections from Fr Daniel O’Leary (Deceased) who has written many books about creation and our role in it.
Beyond catechism, doctrines and routine external religion, the reflections and video course emphasise, with Pope Francis, the lived daily experience of an intimate, all embracing, incarnate love.

Please Note:
The Astonishing Secret website and the Begin with the Heart website have now been merged.
Access to the Astonishing Secret Video Course is now free of charge. Money received previously has been donated to CAFOD via their Candlelight Fund for Daniel. If you would like to make a donation to CAFOD please click on the Candlelight Fund link.