

\"butterflyIn this new online video course – An Astonishing Secret: Glimpses of Incarnation, we offer precious and life-changing insights about Creation, Incarnation and our own divine hearts, that were never revealed to some of us – until now . A radical new light is today being shed on that Moment of Love 2000 years ago – the Incarnation – when God was revealed at the centre of humanity in the person of Jesus. And, long before that, on a much earlier astonishing moment when God first became incarnate in Creation itself. In 10 episodes we try to glimpse the dynamic meaning of those two moments of the fleshing of God, and to reveal their implications for us – personally and universally.

Two themes are interwoven throughout the episodes – the mystery of Creation and the mystery of Incarnation. A deeper understanding of this central heart of Christianity will transform our self-understanding and our understanding of our Planet Earth. This is the revolutionary change in Catholic consciousness that is beginning to transform Christianity from within. This is the ‘magnanimous’ horizon painted by Pope Francis – the re-framing of the story of Christ within our daily experiences, and within the wondrous story of our evolving universe.

We have now created an online video course around this vision of a dynamic spirituality springing from current scientific and theological depth. We have drawn on ten central topics and themes also explored in Fr. Daniel\’s  book, \”An Astonishing Secret: The Love Story of Creation and the Wonder of You\”. Beyond catechism, doctrines and routine external religion, they emphasise, with Pope Francis, the lived daily experience of an intimate, all embracing, incarnate love.

‘An Astonishing Secret’, book and video explore:
• A vital sense of self-worth in a world called ‘the body of God’ – utterly graced from the start, despite the seriously flawed teaching about an unhistoric Original Sin
• An awareness of our inter-connectedness with all creation – the felt presence of Being
• A new way of seeing the sacredness of every creature – all are the delight of the divine womb
• A deeper way of living our lives – to be truly human is to be truly divine
• How every true human presence is God’s real presence – the sacrament of ‘a speck of dust’
• The conviction that we are all loved unconditionally – no matter what
• The blessed energy that springs from a purpose – to co-create the future with God
• The divine beauty in our human hearts – made as we are, in God’s image
• A Creation that was the first Incarnation – the first Bible, the first Revelation
• A world that is a web of love, a river of relationships – a ‘force-field’ of divine/human energy, the continuous work of the Holy Spirit