
About the Author

Daniel O’Learyphoto of Fr Daniel O'Leary, an Irish priest of the Diocese of Leeds, UK, died on 21 January 2019. He was an author and teacher. As Parish Priest and Lecturer, he  worked in Yorkshire parishes and St Mary \’s University, London for almost 60 years. He held Masters degrees in theology, spirituality and religious education.

His life was always been dedicated to revealing the utterly neglected but astonishing treasures of the Incarnation, the heart of Christianity. It is from this mystery that we reclaim the lost theology of creation, the spirituality of the heart, the traditional \’sacramental vision\’ of the imagination. And from it we know that when the Old Christian Story meets the New Scientific Universe Story a beautiful new understanding of our faith will emerge to heal our splintered Church.

The ‘Begin with the Heart’ Team

The Begin with the Heart team are continuing Daniel’s legacy of celebrating a theology of nature and grace. Our aim is to foster and promote Daniel’s ministry by making his writing and teaching widely available.

To help us do this we would welcome any comments or questions about the Astonishing Secret video course. Daniel hoped the course would encourage dialogue and inspire us to explore further this ‘new way of seeing and new way of being.  As Daniel said,

 ‘Your life will change when you begin to believe that God is not ‘out there’ any more, that God is the unconditional love that lives intimately within your heart, and in the heart of the world.’  

We’d love to share any moments of  breakthrough or insight you may have experienced . Please email contactus@astonishingsecreret.org

The team, who are all volunteers, comprises:

Patricia Dorrian, Anne Harding, Margaret Siberry, Celia Sparkes, Gerry Symes and  Andrew Thomson